Phantom Camp VIII
Kris Lemsalu
Selected Exhibitions:
Secession, Vienna, Austria
Komplot, Brussels, Belgium
There and Back Again, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland
Performance at DRAF performance night, London, UK
Where Other Creatures Put Their Eyes, Vermilion Sands, Copenhagen, Denmark
Material Traces", curated by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria
per-'sõ-nae, curated by Anna Lalla, Klemm's, Berlin, Germany
Steps to Aeration, curated by Sarah McCrory, Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany
The Hierophant, curated by Aaron Moulton, Galeria Nicodim Bucharest, Romania
The Wild Ones, Koppe Astner, Glasgow, Scotland
Going going, together with Kyp Malone, Performa 17 Biennial, curated by Esa Nickle and Maaike Gouwenberg, New York, USA
CONDO collaborative exhibition, Kris Lemsalu with Koppe Astner, hosted by Southard Reid, London, UK
Kris Lemsalu